An image of the Global Enterprise Leaderboard.

What is it?
When you tap the "Leaderboard" button in the Train Depot, there is now another tab called "Global Leaderboard".
This tab shows you your current ranking among all Enterprises.
How do I read it?
If you look at the image above, the far left number is your current ranking.
The symbol to the right of your current ranking shows whether you went up in rank, down in rank, or stayed the same as well as how many ranks you moved.
To the right of your Enterprise name is your Ranking Points. This is what determines your rank. Players can be tied for ranking if they have the same score.
How do Ranking Points work?
Your score starts at a base value at the creation of an Enterprise and then when you beat another Enterprise, you take some of their points.
The amount you take depends on how you rank in relation to each other.
If you beat an Enterprise that's ranked much lower than you, you only get a small amount of their points because it shouldn't have been a difficult win.
If you happen to beat an Enterprise that's ranked much higher, you'll get a lot more of their points because it should have been a tough fight for your team (and their team probably shouldn't have lost 😏).
"Parking" Exploit in Train Leaderboard
In the past we've had some Enterprises in the Top 50 of the Train leaderboards have not been participating in the event to maintain their position, also known as "parking." This means that these enterprises will often not drop out of the Top 50, which really goes against the spirit of the competition and is unfair for other enterprises that work hard to climb the board and fight to maintain their positions.

As such, we've put a ban on parking enterprises. We will be taking action on any enterprise that does not maintain a reasonable amount of activity in train events. If repeated parking by the same players/teams means we continuously have to step in, we may escalate to permanent bans of game accounts.

Reasonable activity can be defined as:

  • Skipping no more than 4 events per month.
  • Skipping no more than 2 events in a row.

We feel this is a reasonable ask given that we run roughly 8 train events per month and so we're asking the best enterprises in the world to participate in at least half of the train events each month.

If those attempting to park the leaderboard try to use a loophole and go against the spirit of this rule, we will take that intent into account when handing out punishments.

Thank you to our community for raising this issue with us and helping us maintain a fun and fair experience in Hempire!