Your Train Depot can have up to 3 Trains. Each Train will request a different mix of Factory Products and Epic Buds.
  • Train A is unlocked when you build the Train Depot.
  • Train B is unlocked when you’re in an Enterprise that is taking part in a Train Event.
  • Train C is unlocked when you have upgraded your train depot to the required level and are in an Enterprise  that is taking part in a Train Event.
An image of Trains waiting to be filled
To send Trains to deliver their orders, you have to either fill each carriage’s order, or pay Diamonds to fill them.
An image of Trains with returned goods
While the trains are out players will have the option to watch a reward video to reduce the time until the train returns! (feature not available on Amazon or Huawei App Gallery versions of Hempire)
You can also spend diamonds to recall Trains after they've completed part of their delivery time!

Upon return, all Trains will  bring rewards ranging from Cash, Diamonds, Mutagens, Fertilizer, Legendary Buds—and most importantly Train Depot Upgrade Items! Train A will return with the fuel you need to support the other trains (only during the train event) so make sure to keep it chuggin' along!

Only Train A can be used at any time, whereas Trains B & C can only be used during Train Events.