Hempire is available on phones and tablets using Android 4.4 or higher*, iPhones with iOS 11.0 or higher, iPads 3 and up, Chromebooks, and all Amazon devices from 2013 onwards.
2GB RAM is recommended for best performance and playing experience!
Make sure you have at least 4-5GB of free memory and play on a strong connection to avoid any technical issues.
Offerwall support is available on all standard Android devices, while Apple devices will have access to TapResearch Surveys. Both can be found within the in-game Pawn Shop. Offerwall and ads are currently unavailable for Huawei and Amazon devices at this time.

*Certain Android device models meeting these requirements may still be unable to support Hempire due to excessive crashing. More information here: https://lbc-studios-inc.helpshift.com/hc/faq/148-game-is-unavailable-for-certain-device-models/